Cultivating one's appetites so that one is neither a slave to them
nor driven to ill health (mental or physical), through excess or
Moderation. noun.
An avoidance of extremes in one's actions, beliefs, or habits <the kind of person who does
everything in moderation> 2
Moderation. noun.
An avoidance of extremes in one's actions, beliefs, or habits <the kind of person who does
everything in moderation> 2
Out of all of the virtues, I personally find moderation the hardest, not so much in terms of food or drink anymore, however when it comes to study and working on projects, I get very absorbed, often to the point of neglecting everything else and not sleeping properly for days. I recognise that this is not a healthy way to be, and am trying to figure out how to limit myself so that I still manage to make enough progress that I don't feel like I did nothing, but in a far more balanced way.
Moderation is counselled in the Havamal, we are told it's best to not eat to our 'own life's hurt'3, 'keep not the mead cup but drink thy measure'4, 'speak needful words or none'5, and that it's best to not 'wax too wise'6, as ' seldom a heart will sing with joy if the owner be all too wise.'7
I agree with ADF in that it is a virtue (and was in the Pagan period). However, I do think that we should be careful that we don't mistake moderation for not fully experiencing our Paganisms or breaking down those mental barriers between our Judeo-Christian enculturation and Paganism. As Oscar Wilde famously said, 'Everything in moderation, including moderation.'
Words - 220 (excl. quotes)
Our Own Druidry: An Introduction to Ar
nDraiocht Fein and the Druid Path (p. 62). Tucson, Arizona: ADF
2 (n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2015, from
3 Bellows, H. (1923). Havamal 20. In The poetic Edda,. New York: The American-Scandinavian Foundation.
4 Bellows, H. (1923). Havamal 19. In The poetic Edda,. New York: The American-Scandinavian Foundation.
6 Bellows, H. (1923). Havamal 55. In The poetic Edda,. New York: The American-Scandinavian Foundation.
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