“Vision: The ability to broaden one's perspective, to have a greater understanding
of our place/role in the cosmos, relating to past, present, and future.” 1
1. The ability to think about and plan for the future using intelligence and
imagination, especially in politics and business.
1.a. Someone's idea or hope of how something should be done or how it will be
in the future.
2. The ability to see
3. A person or image that appears to someone, for example, in a dream or a
religious experience.
4. Someone or something that is very beautiful.2
Around the year 1000 CE, in Iceland, a lawspeaker by the name of Þorgeir
Þorkelsson faced an unenviable decision. The Christians of the island had decided
that they no longer wanted to live under Pagan laws, and the Pagans didn't want
to forsake the gods of their ancestors. Moreover, if they did not convert, the king
of Norway, a Christian himself, had also threatened to essentially impose a trade
embargo on the island which relied on imports for its survival.3
Aside from the slow death that the economic sanctions would bring to the island,
Þorgeir had to avoid the more immediate threat of violence at Thing and social
division. In other words, this was a decision that would require true vision, the kind
of vision that takes into account factors both seen and unseen, and so Þorgeir
went 'under the cloak'. When the lawspeaker emerged, he decreed that all would
convert officially, but would be free to worship the gods in private. I think Þorgeir
Þorkelsson demonstrated the kind of true vision as ADF defines it with his decision,
as not only did Iceland survive that crisis and remained united, but the old Gods
have returned. I like to think that this return was the unseen factor revealed to
him under the cloak, and that he was truly wise and made a decision that
encompasses past, present, and future. The old bonds are honoured, the island
thrives yet, and the gods are to receive a new temple. 4
Words - 249
In Our Own Druidry: An Introduction to Ar
nDraiocht Fein and the Druid Path (p. 62). Tucson, Arizona: ADF
2 Vision American English definition and synonym | Macmillan Dictionary.
(n.d.). Retrieved April 24, 2015, from http://www.macmillandictionary.com/us/dictionary/american/vision
3 Aðalsteinsson, J. (1999). Under the cloak: A pagan ritual turning point in the conversion of Iceland (2nd, extended ed., pp. 80-81). Reykjavík: Háskólaútgáfan, Félagsvísindastofnun.
4 First Asatru temple in 900 years? (2015, April 24). Retrieved April 24,
2015, from
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